Sunday, January 31, 2010

Archive Adventures Part 1

We wanted to include all of our past adventures together ~ it's been so fun looking back at all of these pictures to see how our love unfolded :)

Pictures from our first date:

I had just moved here, so Nile brought me an air mattress to sleep on. Problem was, the air pump could only be plugged into a car to work (and it was super loud)! haha It was about 10pm when this was happening ~ great first impression to all my neighbors.
Nile introduced me to The Nickle Plate - a little restaurant/bar that was a Pittsburgh place where all Steelers fans could come together and eat and watch football! AWESOME! The best part is, Nile is a Browns fan!!! Now, THAT is true love!
The Indiana State Fair. Best fried pickles and pulled pork EVER!

Spending time downtown & walking the canal. Downtown Indy has so much to do and is so fun to just go down and wander. The canal that runs through the city is so pretty and peaceful. We have dreams of living in one of the townhomes on this canal someday :)

The Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA). This was our second date! We spent the day at one of the coolest art museums ~ it was so beautiful and so fun. I also got yelled at by one of the security guards for taking a picture on the LOVE statue :)
Nile also always makes a point of finding the Nile River on every map we ever come across.
To be continued...


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